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Looking for a unique addition to your altar or religious collection? Look no further than the Angel of Death Statue. This classic-style statue is made of durable vinyl and resin materials, making it a lasting addition to any space. Measuring 2"L x 2"W x 3”H, it features the cartoon character Santa Muerte - also known as Santisima Holy Death.

This one-piece Santa Muerte statue weighs just 0.9 ounces and is perfect for devotees looking for protection, money, happiness or health - among other things. Each color of the Angel of Death Statue represents a different aspect of Santa Muerte's power: blue represents wisdom and inspiration; yellow stands for success; black symbolizes protection and safety; red signifies love passion; white represents purity while green stands for justice.

Santa Muerte is a female deity personifying death who's associated with safe delivery to the afterlife by her followers. This Great amulet charm comes in several colors including blue, yellow Black Red seven potencias (Rainbow), white and green making it an excellent choice if you're looking to fulfill your needs in different aspects represented by each color.

In summary: The Angel Of Death Statue featuring Santa Muerte is an excellent choice if you are interested in altars or religious collections as each color on this classic-style figure signifies something unique about its power including but not limited to money happiness health protection among others which makes this product versatile enough that there's something here that will suit almost everyone!

Mini Angel of death statue


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